Our Services

  • The excitement and stressors of pregnancy often lead parents to overlook lactation education prior to delivery, leading to feelings of overwhelm once baby arrives. Attending an evidenced based educational lactation appointment prior to delivery can reduce anxiety in the postpartum period and set you up for success. Learn all you need to know about what to expect, breastfeeding basics, and techniques.

    In-Office: $150

    Virtual: $100

  • Follow up with lactation for postpartum needs can be scheduled as soon as 5 days post-delivery. An initial appointment typically involves a weighted feed, so you can see exactly how much milk your baby is transferring at the breast. This appointment can ease anxiety regarding “how much” milk baby is drinking, in addition to identifying possible issues. Further education, latch assist and needed referrals will be provided in session.

    In-office/ In-home: $200 for 1.5 hours and $125 for follow up

    Virtual follow up: $75

  • Concerns about managing breastfeeding and going back to work, including education on how to address supply issues, manage schedule and maintain your breastfeeding relationship.

    In office: $100

    Virtual: $75

  • Parents choose to wean their babies for many reasons. Whether the reasons are physical, emotional, or timing, weaning can bring unexpected feelings to the surface. This appointment with help you address the logistics and biology of weaning, while aiding in the processing of emotions that may arise.

    In office/ In home: $150

    Virtual: $100

  • Expectations and pressures of breastfeeding can be compounded by the challenges of insufficient milk supply. Parents sometimes judge themselves, while exhausting their resources with the added efforts that come with low milk supply. This support group provides a safe place and a community to see that you are not alone and that you are doing an amazing job! Led by an IBCLC/ LPC with extensive experience in low milk supply.

    In office community room: $25 cash or Venmo

  • This support group welcomes all breastfeeding mothers to join and gain support from one another. Whether this is your first baby and you need support to get through the transition and manage expectations. Or this is your third baby and you want to join to help other parents on their breastfeeding journey. Or if you just want to get out of the house. This support group is for you. Led by an IBCLC/ LPC.

    In office community room: $25 cash or Venmo

  • If you are in need of additional therapeutic support for symptoms of perinatal mood disorder, please visit the following website to schedule an appointment.
